P.Vindob. G. 22729

Trismegistos: 64921

Transcription based on: Treu, Kurt, and Johannes Diethart, eds. “60. Loblied auf einen Märtyer.” Page 107 in Griechische literarische Papyri christlichen Inhaltes II. Vol. 1 of MPER N.S. 17. Vienna: Hollinek, 1993. Classifying as a hymn as this is a song to a martyr.

Fragment 1


  1. χμγ*
  2. [...τ]ω θ(ε)ω ψαλλαται τ[ω...]*
  3. [...α]νατολης ως [...]*
  4. [...] περασι της γης μ[...]
  5. [...μα]ρτυρος —————
  1. God helper*
  2. [...t]o G(o)d sing t[o...]*
  3. [...e]ast/rising/dawn as [...]*
  4. [...] boundaries of the earth .[...]
  5. [...ma]rtyr —————

Too fragmentary to produce a running translation.


  1. + εἷς θεως*
  1. + one God*

+ one God
